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The rapid global shift toward minimally invasive surgical procedures, advanced procedure-specific robots, and rapidly developing healthcare infrastructure is expected to lead to increasing demand for surgical robots. However, due to the complexity of engineering required to create these devices, many surgical robotics companies will encounter challenges that slow development. Those challenges may require tradeoffs between speed and quality, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Our team at 219 Design has the engineering skills, experience, and expertise to keep our surgical robotics clients’ development on schedule without sacrificing quality.
219 Design has worked with Intuitive Surgical, Auris Health, Levita Magnetics, Neocis, and other confidential clients on projects that leverage our interdisciplinary skill set and cross-industry experience. We understand your need to make progress on multiple, complex, undefined fronts simultaneously. When facing the urgency to make real developmental progress with internal and external pressures, an honest and trustworthy development partner can make all the difference.
Companies often ask us to assist with R&D to explore a variety of concepts or prove out new technologies. This often leads to a need for fully functional, high quality prototypes. In the area of surgical robotics, we have…
We have deep GUI experience across industries including medical devices and consumer products. Specifically in surgical robotics, we have…
Our firmware and software team develops and ships production code for a wide variety of applications in different industries. Specifically for surgical robotics, we have…
We have worked with a number of clients to develop diagnostic software for testing. For surgical robotics clients, we have…
219 Design works with a variety of teams to analyze data and improve performance. For surgical robotics clients, we have…
Most surgical robotics companies will encounter challenges during development. If that has been your experience, 219 Design can help. Whether it’s 3D visualization, physical and graphical user interface design, data analysis, system testing, imaging processing, or simulation, surgical robotic development requires a lot of specialized knowledge. Our multidisciplinary team of engineers have worked with clients in industries including surgical robotics, consumer electronics, and medical devices since 2004. We leverage that experience to solve new problems every day. It’s that diverse knowledge base that will help you achieve your goals – even the big hairy ones.
Date published: 07/14/2020